Serial Terminal For Windows

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Terminal emulators are used to access the command-line interface. A good terminal emulator for Windows will be customizable both in its utility and aesthetics, offer lots of functionality and integrate well with Windows. Terminal Emulator for Windows PowerTerm InterConnect (Windows Edition) maximizes the capabilities of legacy systems with a minimal footprint and install time Supporting a wide range of hosts, PowerTerm InterConnect allows organizations to standardize on a single terminal emulator for all their host access needs.

  1. Bluetooth Serial Terminal For Windows 10


You have assembled your Arduino* expansion board or your mini breakout expansion board, installed the appropriate drivers, and flashed the OS image (formerly called firmware).

Steps to Set Up a Serial Terminal

  1. Launch Spotlight by pressing Cmd + Space.
  2. Type terminal.
  3. Select the Terminal app.
  4. In the Terminal window, enter the command:

    ls /dev/cu.usbserial-*

  5. In the list of connected devices, look for a device that contains cu.usbserial. In the example above, the device name is /dev/cu.usbserial-A402YSYU.
    Note: If your device is not in the list, verify that your board is powered on and connected to your system. Select the appropriate link below:
    • Assembling the Intel® Edison board with the Intel® Edison mini breakout board
  6. Connect to the USB serial device using the Terminal screen utility by entering the command:

    screen /dev/xx.usbserial-XXXXXXXX 115200 –L

    where /dev/xx.usbserial-XXXXXXXX is replaced by your device unique name. Using the example above, the command would be:

    screen -L /dev/cu.usbserial-A402YSYU 115200 –L

    Note: Adding –L to the command, as shown above, turns on output logging so you can see the results of your commands. To end a session in Screen type Ctrl + A and then Ctrl + K to kill the session. You will be prompted to end the session.
  7. At the blank screen, press Enter twice. A login screen is displayed.
  8. At the login prompt, type root and press Enter.
  9. Press Enter when prompted for a password. The following screen is displayed:

    You have now established a serial communication with your board. You can interact with your board by entering common Linux commands. For a summary of useful commands, see Common commands for the Intel® Edison board.

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P-500 paracetamol. I have developed an embedded application which requests status information from a device down a communications channel. My customer requires that these will be sent with a specific time period, so what I am looking for is a PC terminal application which can send a text string command repeatedly at a set interval over a period of time. I currently use a serial device tester which can immediately send back a set string when something is sent to it, but I need to control the time period and number of repititions.

Serial Terminal For Windows

Are there any applications (for Windows) out there which can acheive this? Download older versions of glasswire.


9 Answers

Docklight / Docklight ScriptingFor testing applications communication over the serial port it is the best tool for the job.It listens for user defined sequences on serial port and can then trigger a transmission with parameters derived from the input message or function in a script.

I wrote a C++ program to test a embedded serial application and it was +/- 1000 lines of code. I was able to replace this with about 20 lines of vb script in Docklight Scripting.

Docklight is definitely worth the money.


I would tend to implement a short python script to do this (it can be compiled to a standalone executable with py2exe if that's what you need). Install python and pyserial. Then use a script like this:

Nonton streaming running man episode 140 sub indo. However, if you want a more conventional Windows application, then you can probably do it with Docklight, possibly combined with Docklight Scripting (available from the same site).


The serial terminal emulation application Tera Term, has a scripting language which will be capable of setting up timed loops.


I use RealTerm. You can write scripts for it and have it send that file repeatedly. You can add delays between characters or delays between lines. It's a little buggy sometimes, but it's great for the price (free).


Although answered already, i use . Their app is free and in the serial tab, i can send and receive data from rs232. works like a charm.


ScriptCommunicator (open-source, cross-platform) is the right tool for you. It has many features and a very useful script interface.

Bluetooth Serial Terminal For Windows 10


You can use the built in windows task scheduler to run a simple batch script that writes texts to a the com port some think like

But I've not done this is in yers so my syntax is rusty. Otherwise you could use a simple 'termulator' program that supports scripting - again I've not done this in a decade I think.

Putty download
Preet SanghaPreet Sangha

I'd write a C# program to do this. They have libraries to open the COM ports and timers to time when to send data.


GModLab - cross-platform, scriptable (JS) terminal: can write scripts that do anything.


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